Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh my, it's been a while since I've said anything o:

Nothing all that new has been going on lately, so I haven't had anything to write about. Tear tear.

I'm doing pretty good in school, and becoming friends with Kana more :3 History isn't as hard as I thought, and Biology is simple. The teacher is strange and just assigns book work so it's easy to tell what's going to be homework the next night.

Tomorrow is 'Unity Day' for 9/11, they're really trying to get us all to be incredibly peppy all the time. We already had a football game (and a spirit day), and then Friday they want us to have another spirit day. The Vice principal came in my history class to explain the rules, then went on about how we should be proud to go to this school, and we should show our spirit. I think it's stupid :/

I haven't had any time to do anything social because of school, so I don't have anything to talk about there.

But, in my internet time I'm pretty happy. I opened up a shop on Solia Online (an avatar based forum site) and already sold three drawings, three more are lined up for me to do in my waiting list ^^

You can see the finished ones here:
Panda Bear

I don't have much else to talk about right now and I have some homework to finish, see you later!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Third Day of School...

And it sucks, we're already getting homework up the ass. I have to do notes for history, one section and my teacher said "When you first start out this can take as little as two hours. After a few months it gets down to about half an hour." What. The fuck. I want to kick him so much, and he's supposed to be the 'easy' history teacher. I fear for my friends who have the hard guy. At least Kana is in my class :/ She's the girl who moved here from Japan a few years ago, and we talk before class starts. She's really nice and even said she'd help me learn kanji if I wanted her to, which I thought was cool of her.

I can't really complain about any other classes except English and Biology, since they're all pretty simple or the teachers aren't too bad.

English drives me nuts though, we're having a spelling test next week sometime, and she gave us bathroom passes. I think this teacher is more suited for fifth grade, or sixth grade at most. She even does that thing where she'll clap a tune, and the students clap the rest of it to show they're paying attention to her.

Biology I have a strange teacher. The minute he said he was from Argentina I knew this year wasn't going to be good. I had a teacher from Argentina in eight grade and he could go on talking about things that had nothing to do with the subject forever. This teacher does the same, only he branches out from the subject and goes onto other things dealing with science (but we don't need to know about the different types of science for biology). When he was talking about the questions in the textbook he didn't answer them, since he skipped words. One of them was something like "Would a hypothesis be accepted if there was no way to demonstrate it was wrong?" He said that it wouldn't be accepted if there was no way to demonstrate it.

I have to go do my four hours of homework now.

Monday, September 1, 2008

D: I joined the Bandwagon~

Meep...Momo...I joined the bandwagon. I don't know if you'll find me here but I'm stalking you people so you probably will.

I feel strange making a blog since I never really have anything to say, but I guess there could be something I'll come up with later on...Today I'm going to a birthday party, I guess that's exciting to people. I haven't been to a real birthday party in a while, it kinda makes me happy :3

Yesterday I went to the beach for a Labor Day party, and almost drowned three times! It was terrifying but at the same time really, really fun. It gave you that "OhmyGodI'mgonnadie" feeling in your gut, but also made you feel extremely excited. I think I swallowed about half a gallon of saltwater, I felt like throwing up so much but got over it after five minutes and went right back in xD The 'sunset watching' part of the party didn't work out too well, since about an hour after the party started the sun just disapeared. There were still people laying down to get tans which confused me a bit...

Anyway, that's about all I have to say right now. School is tomorrow, I hate history so much...