Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lol Olawd I suck :D

So...I learned I procrastinate up the ass. We have to read a memoir for English, and I chose Running With Scissors. It was a lovely book, and I want to read Dry now, but I don't want to do the project for it. We have to make a eulogy, a speech for a deceased person on their accomplishments and memories in life, which is due this Monday. We've had...two weeks? to do it and I never finished the book so I didn't start at all. Now I'm trying to finish an essay for The Kite Runner and actually get my ass in gear with this project; I haven't done shit for it.
What sucks even more is I'm going to my Aunt's house tomorrow, ten to around three most likely. This gives me even less time to make a visual and a two page speech! Yay.

On a nice note, I've decided I'm going to sell rice ball pillows. They'll look like this, this, or this. The last two might not happen since I still have to make a pattern for them but I hope to create something -smiles-.
I'm going to send free ones to my friends for Christmas or no reason at all; just to see how well I can make them ^^ So far I have...eight people I want to send them to, but there's a majority who are out of state or I don't even know their addresses o-o; I feel like a stalker asking for their addresses, but of the two I asked I'm glad only one of them immediately said 'no'; it doesn't make me feel so creepy xD

I need to finish this essay now, so I'm gonna go. Heading out now!